Louisiana Pond Management has over 30 years of experience controlling and eradicating nuisance aquatic vegetation and algae. We are licensed and insured, and only use certified herbicides and algaecides. We can completely eradicate the targeted vegetation or selectively remove it. We use only EPA-certified herbicides and algaecides, and take pride in being educated and up to date on the most effective products to treat ponds and lakes.
Chemical: herbicides, algaecides, dyes
We have the ability to treat large lakes and small ponds with boats and equipment to do the job safely and effectively. Proper identification of aquatic plants and algae is key in making a decision to treat the infestation and choosing the most cost effective and environmentally friendly manner to treat. Systemic herbicides are exactly that, system-based and treat the whole plant by getting an effective herbicide in the plant so that the established plant does not simply rebound after treatment. Some herbicides dissipate rapidly and have no restrictions for water use. Others may be persistent to give long term protection, and at the same time they are tested to be safe and effective at low concentrations and have no other restrictions than irrigation. Check out this blog to learn more.
Biological: grass carp, beneficial bacteria
Stocking Grass Carp: in Louisiana, a permit for stocking grass carp must be applied for and approved. The cost is $50 and you can apply here. After you are approved, you can contact us to arrange for purchase and delivery of fish. Grass carp are aggressive consumers of many species of aquatic vegetation. They do not consume filamentous algae.
Beneficial Bacteria: can be applied to help dominate the algal species in a pond and outcompete them for available nutrients. These bacteria products are highly concentrated and target decaying organic material in the pond, as well as new nutrient pollution in the water column, consuming them and the available nutrients that would otherwise produce algae. They are safe for fish and wildlife. If you would like to learn more about the biological approach, click here.
Mechanical: cutting, raking, circulators, aeration
Our mechanical harvesting boat can be used to cut and harvest vegetation in a same day process. This avoids large amounts of degrading material producing sludge in your pond or lake after treatment with herbicide. Follow up treatments with herbicide are generally necessary for long term control since the plants can reproduce from fragments and seeds.
Aeration and circulation equipment can be used to improve water quality in stagnant ponds and lakes, as they mix, process, and buffer nutrients that result in aggressive algae growth. Circulators move surface algae or floating weeds out of stagnant areas and can be used to keep vegetation from entering marinas, boat slips and access areas in lakes. Louisiana Pond Management has been selecting aeration, designing aeration systems, and professionally installing them for over 20 years. Shop in our store or contact us today for a quote on a fountain or aeration system. For more information about this method, check out this blog.
Develop in nutrient rich ponds and look like green paint in the water. In addition to being unsightly, this can create odors and produce toxins that make the water unsafe for swimming.
Can rapidly blanket the surface of a pond and will need to be controlled with repeat treatments.
Water lilies, watershield, alligator weed, yellow water lilies, primrose, cattails – all of these are vascular plants and grow in shallow water. They can be selectively or completely treated. Mechanical removal can also be used to remove bulk material. One cattail seedpod has 250,000 seeds.
Water hyacinth, water lettuce, duckweed, watermeal, salvinia – these are all characterized by rapid growth and can completely cover a pond or lake. The floating nature of these plants allows them to travel, so they can spread into every nook and inlet of a pond and the structures in the pond. Careful treatment with specific herbicides is the only way to eradicate many of these species. The rapid cover and bulk of the material produced can cause oxygen depletions from the overgrowth and during the eradication process. Careful monitoring and aeration can help to avoid oxygen depletion.
Hydrilla, Milfoil, Coontail, Najas/Southern naiad, Egeria. These can rapidly take over an entire water column bottom to top and seriously interfere with boating or stormwater pumps as well as any possible enjoyment from fishing.